Thursday, July 31, 2008


Did July really happen? Or did I miss it? Well, I should be up to date soon. A quick breakdown of the events of July were;
July 3-5: Gettysburg
July 12-13: North New Portland Bicentennial
July 26-27: Ft. Knox

The only one I will not be reporting on is Gettysburg because I was not there. Instead, I will refer you to Deb's blog Lady of the Blue and Gray, for detailed (and witty) narration's of the whole Gettysburg experience, from both sides of the war!

I know what you are thinking, "what has she been doing?!" the 2x4 of life has just been whacking me in the head for the past month. But I will catch up...I have to, I was voted Historian and I do not want to get voted off the island!