Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Ft. Knox, Maine: Part II

July 28-29 (Saturday's Battle)

Mike and Vicky really are a couple of teenagers at heart. Here's the Confederate wife hugging her husband good-bye with a smooch for good luck (he "died" in battle, but that's later!)

We actually got two volunteers and drafted someone from the 20th Maine so that it would not look like we were severely outnumbered.

One of our volunteers was "Chelli" the surgeon that we had captured a few hours earlier, I guess there were no hard feelings there. I found out later that he's actually from Texas! I noticed that he had a heavy Southern accent and I wondered why he was part of the Union...but he has his reasons.

Here's a good photo of Tom in the midst of battle.

Well, here's the Captain giving his last orders to Tom (Corporal). There was only three of them left by that time.

For the record, the 15th did not shoot the kids playing the drum or other musical instruments. They were tending the wounded. They were actually quite good.

And there, amidst the crumpled forms of Confederate gray stands Private Lindsay, a pillar of strength and oblivious-ness. She didn't realize she was the last one standing until she realized that no one else was shooting.

Well, we finished up our evening (accompanied by quite a few mosquitos) by watching fireworks through a heavy fog. It was interesting because they launched the fireworks from the Fort, down near the water where the battle had taken place earlier. We just watched these bright flashes of light through the fog and it was kind of neat.

Now on to Sunday!

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